64 bit output + 8 power relays 64 bit output + 8 power relays

BH5214B is an embedded serial to parallel controller. It has bidirectional RS232C channel, USB 2.0 channel and 8 bit parallel interface. The unit has 64 bit outputs, expandable up to 512 bits and eight Power Relays. The BH5214B can also works as RS232C / USB converter or 8-bit parallel to serial converter. The unit is pin- and software-compatible with its predecessor RS232C / USB to 64-bit output adapter .

Like the predecessor, the 64 bit output data are splitted into 16x 4 bits and stored in local memory or moved immediatelly to output. The local memory has tristate output. The 16 x 4 bits data can be multiplexed to 4-bit or 8-bit output bus. Maximal output current is 48 mA / each bit.

The serial protocol is variable speed 8N1 from 2100 bps to 117 Kbps. The BH5214B recognizes the speed.

The Prited Circuit Board is multilayer size 160 x 100 mm.

64 bit output + 8 power relays PCB